петак, 5. новембар 2010.

What One Should Know If They Are Considering IT Automation

People generally like to talk about the future, perhaps this because most aspects of the future are shrouded in mystery. Another thing that keeps people speculating about the future is change. This is especially the case on the business arena. When we talk of business, it is clear that one of the main driving forces behind businesses is IT. With so many things in the business arena changing, there is need for a perfect IT system that will keep up. IT automation is the best option to ensure continued success.

Adaptability is a 21st century survival skill for all organizations. IT automation will make it possible for business organizations to adapt to constantly evolving technologies. Within this paradigm, shifts in the marketplace, emerging competitors and changes in customer behavior will be identified ahead of the curve, creating a razors edge advantage. This process will translate into all areas of business, including cascading mergers and acquisitions. Increased agility allows for business processes that cannot only constantly change, but can readily adapt to change as it happens. It also means finding ways to leverage new information into more complex combinations than currently exist.

Not wanting to, throw the baby out with the bathwater, IT automation must be capable of including existing information from a variety of platforms, including legacy applications, mainframes and metadata. It will also be expected to maintain a data flow of information pertaining to customers and suppliers. Keeping the old and adapting to the new is why IT automation is the wave of the future. Given what we have witnessed over the last decade, it would be impossible to argue that current systems will maintain the status quo for any length of time. Technology only lasts as long as a new technology is developed, which has pretty much been at warp speed. As our Grandparents could not conceive of the concept of airplane travel, so too, we cannot imagine the technological advances that will evolve in the future.

Web services have enabled most of us to collect new types of data from within and without an organization. Companies have significantly improved data collection methods, with RFID promising even higher levels of real time data transfers. This improvement, however, has generated a new set of challenges in integration, collections, filtering and deciphering.

There is a lot of scope for increased and better managed data feeding which is not being taken seriously by the people who run IT. Extra resources are hired to facilitate data flow, although much more can be done by lesser people strength and smarter management. The vicious circle of under management grows every day. Defining IT automation is not as simple as it may sound. Considerations include checking the prevailing conditions for their data center model in order to define and set the parameters, thereby ensuring expectations will be in line with achievable goals. The outcome? Automation must adapt to varying parameters in different organizations. There is no more cruise control when it comes to business in the new Millennium. Once the perfect automation approach is identified the only remaining function is to identify the components which are best suited for the process. That is, until the parameters change.

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