петак, 17. септембар 2010.

Managed Service Provider Software: Its Features And Characteristics

To choose or not to choose has always been a dilemma since ages for mankind. The great bard had mentioned it in his classics albeit in a different fashion. Yet, the same holds true when we have to select between objects that offer similar facilities. With the information technology throwing up varieties in abundance on every conceivable issue, how to choose the best managed service provider software also has its share of selection dilemma.

What are the basic benefits that one aims to achieve from this selection governs the reply to the question of how to choose the best managed service. Every managed service provider claims of certain basic features in their product and these all are well aware of. Providing information on the working of the network as well as a single point where the solutions could be implemented across the entire network. Every MSP software in the market today also mentions about it being customisable in order for it to adapt to the changing requirements of the business house. How these features are adapted to suit the business house's needs and how these features are implemented that it makes the task of network management an easier task to be performed are the factors that need to be looked into while replying the query of how to choose the best managed service.

It is important to note that the client pays a third party for maintaining and monitoring its network resources. This is the basic business principle on which any managed service system works. The selected MSP should therefore be a proactive one. Waiting for an error or problem to occur on the network and then attending or rectifying it should not be the MSP's method of operation. The MSP should be such that it is able to sense the defect before it occurs and initiate preventive measures to stop the error from occurring and causing any harm to the network. If Murphy's Law is to be accepted, then it is a well established probability factor that a breakdown of the network is inevitable even with all proactive agents at work. The MSP in such a case should be able to respond quickly to the situation and restore the network back to its normal function swiftly. A network without the data and the application programs running on it is of no use. In case of a crash or break in the network there would be need to restore the complete system to a point where everything was clean. For this reason the MSP should have been taking regular backups which would be used during the restore process.

IT field is a volatile and ever changing field. Market changes being brought to the notice of the management as well as advising how the same could be implemented on the existing enterprise wide network is also another factor to be considered while choosing the best managed service provider. An MSP with lax security features would be very dangerous to the health of the enterprise. Holes in the security of an MSP are vantage points for malicious programs to enter into the network and wreak havoc with the data and the application software too. MSP with high features in its security aspects is to be selected. Credentials of the managed service provider are one other important aspect to be checked and verified prior to deciding on the particular one. Obtaining reference of MSP projects provided and running at other installations would be a good method to check the MSP's authenticity and effectiveness. These guidelines are sure to help in answering the question of how to choose the best managed service provider.

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